Grandio Sathorn | ð near MRT Bang Khae and BTS Bang Wa | HL #202411128163
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Grandio Sathorn Chom Thong Bangkok -
Listing Detail
âĄïļProject : Grandio SathornâĄïļ
Type : 4b4b
Size : 216 Sq.m.
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LINE ID : @BPP2019
#Grandio Sathorn
Listing Information
- Grandio Sathorn
- 120,000/ month
- 2 month
- 1 month
- 2 fl.
- 4 Bed
- 4 Bath
- 216 sq.wa.
- 216
- Home amenities
- Project Facilities
Chom Thong Bangkok
9 listings for rent
0 listings for sale
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Listings for rent in Grandio Sathorn
- Grandio Sathorn for rent - 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms 31.20 sq.w. 216 sq.m. Fully furnished, ready to move in. 46HOME04116700231.2 sq.wa.2 fl.āļŋ120,000/monthUPDATE !
- [ðĨHot RentðĨ] 2-storey Luxury House @ Grandio Sathorn **Near BTS Wutthakat, nice location, special price, ready to move in64.9 sq.wa.2 fl.āļŋ120,000/month
- ðĨCP-5385ðĨSingle house for rent, Grandio Sathorn VillageðAdd Line @fastcondo216 sq.wa.2 fl.āļŋ120,000/month
- ðĨCP-5385ðĨSingle house for rent, Grandio Sathorn VillageðAdd Line @rentbkk216 sq.wa.2 fl.āļŋ120,000/month
- Grandio Sathorn House Brand new project with a large clubhouse and garden, ready to move in!60 sq.wa.2 fl.āļŋ120,000/month
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