Bright Sukhumvit 24 I BTS Phromphong I Big Space, Shocking Priceð The Best in Market Right Now! ðNice Room and Decoration ð I #HL #202408017295
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40,000/ month
Bright Sukhumvit 24 Khlong Toei Bangkok -
Listing Detail
ð The Best in Market Right Now! ðNice Room and Decoration ð
Welcome long term contract 2-3 years is Good for Negotiable, very nice deal, I can negotiable for you . Big space lover. feels like home. #Boorin
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Bts phromphong 700m
The Em District
Rain Hill
UFM Fuji Super
Listing Information
- Bright Sukhumvit 24
40,000/ month
- 2 month
- 1 month
- 1 Bedroom
- 5
- 1 Bed
- 1 Bath
- 67
- Room amenities
- Project Facilities
Khlong Toei Bangkok
314 listings for rent
71 listings for sale
View project details
Listings for rent in Bright Sukhumvit 24
- BRG103 Bright Sukhumvit 24, 10th floor, Building A, city view, 90 sq m., 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 65,000 baht. 064-878-52832 bed90m210 fl.āļŋ65,000/monthUPDATE !
- BRG101 Bright Sukhumvit 24 size 68 sqm. Floor 14, pool view 45,000 baht. 064-959-89001 bed68m214 fl.āļŋ45,000/monthUPDATE !
- BRG104 for rent Bright Sukhumvit 24, 8th floor, Building A, city view, 67 sq m., 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 45,000 baht, 064-878-52831 bed67m28 fl.āļŋ45,000/monthUPDATE !
- BRG105 for rent Bright Sukhumvit 24, 7th floor, city view, 70 sq m, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 45,000 baht, 064-878-52831 bed70m27 fl.āļŋ45,000/monthUPDATE !
- BRG107 Condo for rent Bright Sukhumvit 24, 8th floor, city view, 96 sq m., 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 70,000 baht. 064-878-52832 bed96m28 fl.āļŋ70,000/monthUPDATE !
- MDL24120490 Condo for rent, Bright Sukhumvit 24 near BTS Phrom Phong, ready to move in, call urgently 0614453194 LineID @897iyzll1 bed67m210 fl.āļŋ55,000/monthNEW !
- FOR RENT condo , Bright Sukhumvit 24 , BTS-Phrom Phong , Khlong Tan , Khlong Toei , Bangkok , CX-08860 â Live chat with us ADD LINE @connexproperty â1 bed67m216 fl.āļŋ45,000/monthUPDATE !
- FOR RENT condo , Bright Sukhumvit 24 , BTS-Phrom Phong , Khlong Tan , Khlong Toei , Bangkok , CX-08872 â Live chat with us ADD LINE @connexproperty â1 bed67.4m28 fl.āļŋ50,000/monthUPDATE !
- FOR RENT condo , Bright Sukhumvit 24 , BTS-Phrom Phong , Khlong Tan , Khlong Toei , Bangkok , CX-79652 â Live chat with us ADD LINE @connexproperty â1 bed67m215 fl.āļŋ45,000/monthUPDATE !
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